No Goodbye

The novel tells the story of two fine individuals, Lily and Michael coming from completely different back grounds. Lily was born into the privileged class where Michael came from a very moderate ho...

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The Lives of a Corrupt Family

This book describes the interactions and lives of a family living in the latter part of the twentieth century and early beginnings of the twenty-first century America. The setting is within the eas...

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Airbus 330 The Ultimate Guide for Pilots

Captain John A. Moktadier graduated and received his Bachelor's Degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. He has been flying for the past 35 years and currentl...

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Sabotaged by Emotions

Stacey Smith wrote Sabotaged by Emotions while experiencing severe depression. Her heart's desire is to share the reality of living with painful emotions, and how to experience inner peace and happiness once again. Sabotaged by Emotions will help people who suffer from a mental disability, the people who support them, and give insight into the emotional pain to the medical community. There are a variety of approaches she embarks on to get better. Her spiritual life is foundational. Psychiatric drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, and counseling in Dialectical Behavior Therapy help tremendously. She works with a medical doctor who is also a Natural Pathologist to regain her physical health. Overcoming painful emotions is not only an emotional challenge; it is spiritual and physical as well.

I have had the privilege of knowing Stacey from the beginning of her healing journey. There have been many dark days, when Stacey felt she could not go on. Thanks to her faith, family, friends, tenacity, and amazing creativity, she is experiencing major breakthroughs. This book is a chronicle of the struggles and of the tools used to help her find the hope and strength to come out on the other side of her emotional and mental challenges.

Gretchen H. Peacock, D.M.F.T., L.P.C.


ISBN:  978-1-947191-18-1


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The novel tells the story of two fine individuals, Lily and Michael coming from completely different back grounds. Lily was born into the privileged class where Michael came from a very moderate home. Regardless of a position in society they endured their many trials and tribulations and yet succeeding in business and society as well as love. Each were told of their forthcoming love and neither went seeking it. It seemed to find them. The story speaks to the eleventh law of Karma, The law of Patience and Reward.



This book describes the interactions and lives of a family living in the latter part of the twentieth century and early beginnings of the twenty-first century America. The setting is within the eastern states of Ohio, West Virginia and North Carolina. It provides a true picture of various situations where love and forgiveness have been replaced with anger, resentfulness and hatred. In order to avoid embarrassment, the names of various family members have been changed.


Captain John A. Moktadier graduated and received his Bachelor's Degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. He has been flying for the past 35 years and currently holds both a Gold Seal Flight Instructor and Advanced Ground Instructor licenses from the FAA. Capt. Moktadier has four type ratings which include: Airbus 330, Airbus 320, Boeing 747 and Boeing 727. He has logged over 24,000 hours flight time with the majority of his hours in jet transport and wide body aircraft.

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He has flown around the world. Captain Moktadier served as a Boeing 727 Check Airman (TRE) and conducted rating rides, proficiency checks, instructions and simulator checks and line checks for over 10 years with a commercial airline in the United States. He has trained hundreds of pilots with no failures and well above average results. The pilots he has trained have lots of respect for Capt. Moktadier's knowledge and his training style made them feel relaxed during the entire simulator session maximizing their learning due to his teaching ability, honesty and integrity. They have all commented that he is a true professional instructor and TRE. This is his second book that he has published. The first one was Boeing 727 Flight Master which received many outstanding and excellent reviews and positive feedback from the professionals in the airline industry who read the book and it soon became one of the best training books on a Boeing 727.